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End stage parkinson's and weight loss -

20-12-2016 à 10:55:29
End stage parkinson's and weight loss
There is progressive difficulty in speech with slow, soft, monotonous voice and the patient may have problem finding words. They also tend to have trouble swallowing at this stage of the disorder as well. The patient is mobile at this stage but needs help to carry on with their daily tasks. There is progressive worsening of symptoms despite of drug therapy. Dysphagia or difficulty in swallowing often leads to less intake of food and nutrients, causing weight loss, weakness and tiredness. There are certain motor abilities a loved one can expect to see in the most advanced stage of PD. In the end stages, the patient becomes totally helpless and cannot survive without a care-giver. Expect slow behavioral changes and gradual severe incapacity, such as failure to do daily routines (eat, walk or take a bath) from. Those with PD develop tremors, muscle stiffness, trouble walking, a decrease in facial expression in addition to other concerns. There may be dyspnea or difficulty in breathing. Constipation is often troublesome and may be a side effect of anticholinergic treatment. PD patients in the most advanced stage have an decrease in their appetite, leading to weight loss. Pain and discomfort in the lower part of the body and limbs.

Confusion and hallucinations become more pronounced in elderly patients being treated with anticholinergics. They are unable to care for themselves due to the massive loss in their ability to function. Tremor increases gradually, and in the later stages there may be action tremor (like an essential tremor) whereas initially there was tremor only at rest, thus making performance of routine tasks difficult. In this stage, the main difficulty is in maintaining balance and posture, so patients need assistance while standing and walking. Because of the loss in agitation, patients are likely to end up hospitalized or injured due to falling. A number of patients also suffer from dementia, depression or hallucinations, which further aggravates the situation. Hypersalivation or drooling is common due to difficulty in swallowing and may lead to choking. Unsteadiness in walking or turning, resulting in falls, become more pronounced as the disease progresses and ultimately the patient can only stand or walk with help, while in the end stage he becomes completely bedridden. Final stage PD patients lose much of their ability to move. Increase in tremor, rigidity (increased tone) and bradykinesia (slowness of movement) as the disease progresses make the performance of routine tasks difficult without help. At this stage of the disease, the patient is unable to stand or walk and constant nursing care is needed as they cannot function independently. Improper bladder control may lead to urgency and frequency.

End stage parkinson's and weight loss video:

End stage parkinson's and weight loss
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